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Keto Fast 700 mg potentially implant that monitor your heart pressures and see how you're doing and maybe maybe that'll maybe that can keep people out of the hospital and feeling better and can avoid us from giving them too much in the way of diuretics and hurting their kidneys and there may be a lot of benefits from from that so i think the tech the technological piece is kind of coming online and just not no pun intended but i think had a number already and uh looking for uh just another jeff i'm going to put myself on the line here you know as a primary care doctor supposed to know a lot about a lot of different conditions and uh you know it's hard to do that i'm wondering from your perspective are there a couple things that you wish primary care doctors knew or would do better with patients who have heart failure um it's a little bit of a loaded question i don't want to cast any stones i think that i think one thing that we see is that um sometimes people aren't as aggressive as they could be with getting people on the sort of highest highest tolerated doses of their medicines uh and you know a lot of times that will cause people's blood pressures to get sort of low the top numbers 80s or 90s and physicians and patients and their families start to get worried i don't worry so much about what that number is as long as you're not having symptom
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